Woah how is it already December 20th??? I had such a good day, despite COVID lim…
1 min read
Woah how is it already December 20th??? I had such a good day, despite COVID limitations I had 2 concerts (1 was a zoom party and the other as YouTube link), a physically distanced Secret Santa, and a zoom yoga class.
Here is a recipe for Eggnog French Toast that I enjoyed last week. Seriously do not rest on this recipe…make it right now!!
Eggnog French Toast
– 1 English muffin
– 2 tbsp califiafarms eggnog
– 1/6 cup of egg whites
– Large pinch of nutmeg
– Small pinch of cloves and cinnamon
– Drop of vanilla extract
– Cooking spray
Toppings: banana coins + spices
1. Combine the eggnog, egg whites, and spices in a bowl.
2. Dip the English muffin halves in the mixture and let it soak.
3. Heat a pan with cooking spray, and then put the soaked English muffin on the pan.
4. Cook until the English muffin side on the pan is looking golden brown, and the egg looks baked.
5. Flip the slices of English muffins and cook on the other side until golden brown.
6. Place the English muffin on a plate and add the toppings.
Hey ur feed seems so good it would be great if we follow eachother
wow ????
your day sounds so fun
This flavor sounds so good ????
Yummy ????